Audit and Tax - Elite Communication Services
At Tredex we harness the potentials of our people to provide business, management, and trade consultancy services to a diverse client base in the world through a sustainable business environment in which our clients, stakeholders, and employees can benefit. Our clients base vary from the highly demanding I.T. industry to the fascinating media industry and from a remote town in France to an international investing group based in London.
Corporate Services, Strategy Operations, Human Capital, Risk Management, Mergers & Acquisitions, Audit & Tax, Financial Advisory, Business Intelligence, Customer Intelligence, Market Analysis, Financial Transformation
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Audit and Tax


Our commitment to excellence and quality enables us to provide internal control audits and assurance services, according to latest standards. We believe in close working relationship between our professionals and our clients in order to minimize risks.

Our audit specialists ensure that our clients gain access to our extensive knowledge built upon several years of experience in auditing international and local firms in different disciplines. They can enable the management team and the board members to understand and address the significant reshape of the business landscape.

One of the main changes that the business environment has witnessed lately is the way that executives consider Internal Audit. Traditionally, Internal Audit was used to see what had gone before, while recently it has become an effective tool for executives to predict future events so that they can design strategic plans.

Big data has completely reshaped the operation of businesses and a comprehensive Internal Audit (IA) along with big data analysis are essential tools for keeping pace with fast moving technology trends and the enterprise’s competitors.

Our 3 dimensional internal audit process contains: Descriptive analytics, Predictive analytics, and Prescriptive analytics. The main goal of this approach is to provide visualized form of complicated data for better understanding of the situation and predict future events and prescribe the best course of action to avoid undesirable situations.


The broad range of our services in different disciplines enables us to offer a variety of integrated tax services, empowered by innovation and knowledge for our clients in different disciplines in the globalized business environment.

Current business complexity and tax technology have created new challenges for executives which can be resolved only by sophisticated tax analytics tools.
We design tax strategies for our clients so that they can maximize their benefits from their revenue by applying our holistic coordinated approach.

The new era of international tax regimes require transparency and sharing of information between tax authorities in different states. This new era brings significant changes to the international tax landscape.

In the world that governments try very hard to increase their revenue by applying indirect tax regularities, it is crucial for companies to be in the know.

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